PPW Project to dostawca zaawansowanych komponentów kompozytowych z włókien węglowych (carbon), aramidowych (kevlar), diolemu, włókien szklanych oraz odlewów żywicznych, polimerobetonu i konglomeratów. Dodatkowo oferujemy i pomagamy dobrać najlepszej jakości materiały do produkcji kompozytów zapewniając przy tym kompleksowe wsparcie technologiczne i opracowanie wdrożeń. PPW Project is a supplier of advanced composite components made of carbon, aramid fibers (kevlar), diolem, glass fibers as well as resin castings and conglomerates. In addition, we offer and help to choose the best materials for the production of composites, with ensuring comprehensive technological support and development of implementations. Czym się zajmujemy: - produkcja czesci kompozytowych - opracowanie wdrożeń - outsourcing produkcji - produkcja laminatow - optymalizacja kosztów produkcji - odlewy żywiczne - odlewy konglomeratowe - druk 3D - doradztwo techniczne i technologiczne - badania naukowe - produkcja w technologii RTM - produkcja metodą infuzji - handel materialami: * wlokna weglowe * wlokna szklane * wlokna aramidowe * zywice epoksydowe, poliestrowe i inne * akcesoria produkcyjne * akcesoria weselne * gadzety - composite parts production - development of implementations - laminates production - production costs optimization - resin castings - conglomerate castings - 3D printing - technical and technological consulting - research and development - RTM technology production - infusion method production - wholesale: * carbon fiber * glass fiber * aramid fiber * epoxy, polyester and other resins * production accessories * wedding accessories * gadgets PPW Project +48 609 086 469 pawel@ppw-project.pl Pawel Pazdzior Work Project ul. Glowna 39 44-240 Zory NIP: 5482730313 REGON: 385960888 www.ppw-project.pl


About Us

PPW Project is a supplier of advanced composite components made of carbon, aramid (kevlar), diolem, glass fibers as well as resin castings and conglomerates. We mainly use RTM technology and the infusion method.

In response to customer needs, we undertake unusual orders based on vacuum technologies or resin injection and unusual production tasks which we also carry out at the client's location.

We can offer our help in the preparation of all products made of various types of resins and fibers. We also provide comprehensive services within milling, CAD modeling and design, as well as 3D scanning and 3D printing.

In addition, we offer the best materials for the production of composites and ensure comprehensive technological support and development of implementations. For special implementation we offer TeXtreme® brand products to fulfill requirements of our most demanding customers.

Responding to the needs ALL of our services are avaiable for business and private customers also long composite pipes production and large size composite plates.


All of our materials can be found in our online store http://www.tkane-composites.pl/

Our technologies

We invite you to participate in our composite workshops.
For security reasons, all workshops are conducted only at the customer's premises.

ATTENTION! We believe that to assimilate knowledge well and learn something new, you need to feel the work with your own hands.
During the workshop, most of the work will be done by the listener, not the instructor. Be ready for it!

We also offer full theoretical and practical support for new employees in your company.

  • RTM
  • It is the technology of choice for larger enterprises to maximize production efficiency.
  • up to few minutes cycle time
  • RTM
  • A feasibility study is carried out before implementation.
  • We help with the design of the mold or we design and manufacture molds ourselves with all equipment .
  • Reliable training on the production method called Resin Transfer Molding requires the existence of molds and appropriate technical infrastructure at the customer's premises.
  • Support is provided until the first piece passes quality requirements.
  • Infusion
  • This technology is the most often chosen by our clients.
  • about few hours cycle time
  • Workshops are conducted on customer's equipment and tools or ours, as agreed.
  • infusion
  • If the customer does not have a mold prepared for training, all activities are based on the carbon plate.
  • After the workshops, it is possible to buy the tools such as vacuum pump, resin trap and other materials.
  • Unless otherwise agreed, the workshops ends with a full saturation of the reinforcement and a summary of all the work carried out.
  • Pulling out the element of the mold takes place on the next day without instructor.
  • Materials, Technologies and Implementation
  • Support is provided until the first good piece is obtained.
  • We are happy to share our experience. We have had several spectacular product implementations that turned out to be truly groundbreaking.
  • Support
  • We cooperate with the Silesian University of Technology.
  • Need support?
    Feel free to ask!
    +48 609 086 469

Contact Us

Paweł Paździor Work Project
ul. Główna 39
44-240 Żory

TAX ID: PL5482730313
REGON: 385960888

ING Bank Śląski S.A
PLN 55 1050 1676 1000 0097 2925 2834
EUR PL11 1050 1676 1000 0097 6813 3069

+48 609 086 469
